(517) 265-4019
P.O Box 918 Adrian, MI 49221

The Good Neighbor Campaign 2017

They are calling.

Calling for help. For safety. For hope.

Women and children, whether it’s due to the lack of a job, underemployment, relationship change, tragedy, or addiction need our help. In Lenawee County, there are currently no viable shelters for homeless women and children.

These women with children are calling every week in desperate need of somewhere safe to lie down their heads, fill their bellies, and give their lives hope. It breaks our heart to have to turn them away with no answers.

For a dozen years, Neighbors of Hope has been a vital force in our community, providing hope and help to the homeless and addicted single men, nourishing the underfed, and clothing those in need.  None of this could have been possible without your generous donations.  Now we have an opportunity to expand this ministry to help the homeless women and children of Lenawee County.

Will you help us bring hope to these homeless women and children in our community? Your generous donation will help us launch this program.

They are our neighbors. They are calling for help.  Will you help us answer?


How Can You Help?

  • Pray! Join us in prayer for this important need.
  • Give! Make a monetary donation online or mail a check to P.O Box 918 Adrian, MI 49221
  • Share! this message with your family, friends, and on social media. Follow our Facebook page, share posts, and join the conversation using #BeANeighbor.

Campaign Update

Frequently Asked Questions

What about other homeless shelters in Lenawee County?

Catherine Cobb: Only for women with a history of domestic violence or sexual abuse.

Salvation Army: Offers hotel vouchers for 2-3 day housing

Share the Warmth: Temporary shelter and not able to admit children.

Housing Help: Two units provide two families with housing for 90 days

Where is the shelter going to be located?

In the past year we’ve seriously considered nearly a dozen different properties. As we enter the final stages of consideration on promising locations, we hope to have an announcement soon.

How is this campaign different from last year’s campaign?

Last year’s campaign helped us secure funding for the operating expenses to launch and run a program. This campaign is to secure funds needed to acquire and renovate the property.

What’s the next step once funding needs are met?

Once the property is acquired, renovated, and ready for occupation, we will hire the appropriate staff to launch the program. This is a long term commitment to our community.