(517) 265-4019
P.O Box 918 Adrian, MI 49221

The Fresh Start Program

Homelessness in our community has many causes. Job loss, mental illness, bad decisions, the breakdown of relationships, and addiction have left many of our neighbors in seemingly hopeless situations. Through the Fresh Start program, Neighbors of Hope gives a hand up to homeless men by giving them six months of basic needs services, including shelter, food, case management, and personal care. But that’s not all—Fresh Start addresses the root causes of homelessness, offering men the hope of the Gospel and a pathway to sustainable employment and housing. The goal of this program is to empower men so that they can take personal responsibility for their lives and become effective and competent members of the community.

The LifeChange Program

Many of our neighbors struggle with addiction, feeling hopeless and defeated. Neighbors of Hope is determined to help them rebuild their lives. Participants in the LifeChange program leave behind the drug lifestyle and culture and are immersed for one to two years in a Christian environment where they allow God to change them through the Gospel. As part of a team of men who are following Christ together, they will develop neighborly skills by learning leadership, accountability, and integrity while studying the Bible and growing spiritually. Neighbors of Hope staff members serve as coaches and counsellors, facilitating each man’s journey. Through Christ, it is possible to overcome addiction, become a good neighbor, and live out true LifeChange.

Program Phases:

    1. Reorientation: This phase establishes spiritual principles that are necessary for living a transformed life. This is done through mentoring, classroom instruction, personal study, and team assignments that provide practical experience and skills in real-life situations
    2. Work: Participants will be allowed to obtain a job, enroll in college, or pursue a GED. They will still be subject to the rules of the mission and must continue participating in all evening activities.
    3. Aftercare: LifeChange provide personal support and spiritual enrichment that continues long after graduation. Participants will form support networks and formulate relapse prevention plans. They will also seek alternative housing, which they will move into upon completion of at least one year at Neighbors of Hope’s housing facility.

Graduate Program Services (GPS)

For men who have struggled with addiction, relapse is a very real risk. Neighbors of Hope helps them stay on track with GPS, the next chapter of total life transformation for men who have successfully graduated from the LifeChange program. Men who enroll in GPS do so as a continuation of their LifeChange experience, to provide a safety-net following a relapse, to help with re-acclimation, and/or to receive more intensive assistance in defining life goals and developing a personal plan of action. Ultimately, they enroll because of their commitment to live a life with God in the long run. We help participants accomplish their mission through critical needs assessment (including job search training, higher education, vocational training, mentoring, and in-depth searches into the causes of relapse) and implementation of strategic plans designed specifically to help program members enhance their ability to achieve success.