(517) 265-4019
P.O Box 918 Adrian, MI 49221

News & Events

April Update from our Executive Director

Dear Neighbors,

As all of us are adjusting our lives to the challenges of these unprecedented times of crisis, I am mindful of supporters like you and pray that this correspondence finds you and yours are well.

Things are not so different here at Neighbors of Hope. We too have had to make some adjustments. In compliance with our governor’s order, we have closed our social enterprises temporarily. This resulted in the furlough of three of our staff. We have also furloughed three from our Women & Children’s Ministry. Since our feeding and housing ministries provide “life-sustaining” needs such as food and shelter, these are classified as “essential” and we are continuing to help our neighbors in need, and as you can imagine, the need is escalating. And we are providing these needs with a team of only nine.

The men, women, and children staying at our housing facilities are managing pretty well. Despite the culture of crisis that surrounds us all and restricts them from many resources to advance themselves, I am awed at their determination to uphold their social responsibility and “stay sheltered”.  It is truly the evidence of God in their lives as they embrace all of this and see it as an act of “loving their neighbor”.  It is truly an inspired and enlivened promise of hope to all.

A couple of other changes I would like to share with you include the cancellation of our May 9th annual banquet at The Centre. However, please stay tuned for further information as we strive to bring you a creative alternative to this event. Also, renovation activities at our Good Neighbor Center have also been put on hold, which means our administrative presence has been reduced to voicemail only.  Thus, if you desire to communicate with us or want to stay apprised of how this ministry continues to serve faithfully amidst this crisis, I encourage you to follow our Facebook page, Instagram page, YouTube channel, or sign-up for our e-newsletters on our website.

As we all continue to navigate our way through the days of this crisis, I ask that you be mindful of our hungry, homeless, and hurting neighbors. Pray for them. Pray for our staff too as we pray for you. And please, consider giving a donation today to help us meet the costs incurred from the escalating need resulting from these unprecedented times.

May you be blessed knowing God uses you to help change lives and bring our homeless, hungry, and hurting neighbors hope.

Peace and every good,

Pastor Steven Palmer

Executive Director