(517) 265-4019
P.O Box 918 Adrian, MI 49221

News & Events

April update from our Executive Director

Dear Neighbors,

I wish you a blessed Spring and pray the joy of Easter continues to encompass you.  As you know, neighbors need each other to make a community a happy and healthy place to live and work. That’s why we want to include you, our neighbor, as part of the good things God is doing.

Through the years Neighbors of Hope has grown to feed, provide safe shelter, and give new hope to our neighbors in need through our Men’s Ministry, our Women & Children’s Ministry, Fishes & Loaves Food Pantry, our Blessings & More Resale Store and our radio ministry Word Made Flesh.

With help from neighbors like you, we see people struggling to feed their families getting help from our food pantry. We see men and women filled with despair find hope through our transitional housing programs. We see families reunited. We see new careers begin. We see our community grow rich and fruitful, one transformed life at a time.

We keep growing as God blesses us with your friendship. Hopefully, after numerous months of renovations during a time of pandemic and economic inflation, we plan to open our new Men’s Ministry facility later this month or next. Thank you for joining us on this adventure. Together we will see hundreds more lives rescued from despair and set free to live joyfully and fruitfully in our community.

Thank you for your partnership and I hope you will continue to support the work God is doing through Neighbors of Hope.

Serving Christ,

Pastor Steven Palmer

Executive Director