(517) 265-4019
P.O Box 918 Adrian, MI 49221

News & Events

May Update from our Executive Director

Dear Neighbors,

As I look out of my office window while writing this letter to you, the beauty and goodness of new life springing forth in creation reminds me of just how good God is. In turn, I am reminded how beautiful and good people like you are in supporting God’s life-transforming work in the lives of those we serve Jesus among here at Neighbors of Hope.

I have witnessed the beauty and goodness of lives being transformed so many times during my seventeen years here. I recall how Richard came to us some six years ago, broken, in and out of the drug culture, separated from his wife, and alienated from his children. He completed our program and graduated in 2019.  Since then he has stayed clean and sober, reconciled with his wife and children, and now serves as the House Manager at our new Men’s Ministry Center. In his words,

“If it weren’t for Neighbors of Hope helping me out during the worst time of my life, and showing me the power of love, compassion, and hope that Jesus offers, I would probably be in jail or dead. But by the grace of God, a wretch like me was saved. And now I have the opportunity to share the blessing.”

And I think of a young man who once struggled to make ends meet and came to our Fishes & Loaves Food Pantry to shop for food because he had nothing to eat. Many years later, he began bringing bread to the center for our guests.  When I asked why he was doing this, he replied, “You were there when I needed help and now I have a good job and family of my own and want to give back.”

So many stories of life transformation have taken place here over all of these years. Thank you for being a caring and supportive partner in the work God is doing at Neighbors of Hope. I pray you will continue to help support this beautiful and good work.

In Service to Christ,

Pastor Steven Palmer

Executive Director