(517) 265-4019
P.O Box 918 Adrian, MI 49221

News & Events

Board Member Profile: Nathan Hamblin

If you could describe Neighbors of Hope in one word, what would it be, and why?

Transformation – Hope is transformative. And the goal of our compassion and responsiveness to people in need is transformation. We believe individuals, families and subsequent generations of families, indeed entire neighborhoods and communities can experience life-changing transformation.  We offer hope to the hopeless, hope to the hungry, hope to the addicted, hope to the homeless, and hope to the weary in tangible, transformative ways.

Tell us about your experience working with Neighbors of Hope.

When I moved to Adrian, I learned of Neighbors of Hope and was afforded the opportunity to shadow Pastor Steve on a typical Tuesday. I witnessed the comprehensive nature of Neighbors of Hope’s ministries in action. The level of dignity with which Neighbors of Hope serves those society too often deems “the least of these” was refreshing. Real people, centered on Jesus, loving real people as they are. Pointing but not pushing people to the hope Christ offers. Serving with the level of compassion and tenacity only Christ can supply. I was hooked.

I began spending time each week with the LifeChange program members during their morning study, serving alongside them in a variety of ways. I also connected people within my own church, Neighborhood Church, and from the community with Neighbors of Hope. Eventually, I was asked to serve on the board and I continue to advocate for the work Neighbors of Hope does and desires to do.

If you could choose just one, which Neighbors of Hope Ministry would you like to see expand? 

Impossible question. All of them. Perhaps one of the most practical expansions I’d like to see is that of our recycling operation.  Our ability to generate ministry sustaining income by baling and recycling donated textiles of any condition is practically limitless. If we could collect and bale enough textiles to fill a semi every month, I can hardly fathom the expansion of staff and programs we could develop for those we serve and more we could serve.

How has Neighbors of Hope changed your life? 

It’s connected me to men whom I consider brothers and with whom I count it a privilege to share the journey of life in Christ.

Where do you see Neighbors of Hope in 10 years? 

I hope it’s the first place churches and neighbors think to go when they run into anyone who is encountering hardship or hopelessness. Whether addicted, hungry, or struggling to make ends meet; man, woman, or child; in every corner of our county I think we will be positioned to connect people to the vast array of services and support. I hope we will continue to accumulate countless stories of how Christ redeemed, transformed, and restored hope time after time.

What are you most passionate about?

Meeting people where they are at. Doing so with great dignity and compassion. And empowering a community to offer hope to their neighbors in a tangible, community transforming way.

Tell us about your new role at Neighbors of Hope.

I’ve been asked to serve as the chairman of the board of directors, leading the team to offer support, encouragement, and counsel to our Executive Director and to advocate for those we serve in the community.